Mental Health Medication Management

Medication Management Consultations

You First Telehealth seeks to not only treat a patient’s condition but also fully educate the patient about their illness and the chosen method of treatment. It may take a few trials of different kinds of medication to find one that works best for a particular individual, which can lead to worry and anxiety in many patients. To help us create a collaborative care environment, Melaine will carefully explain the purpose and reasoning behind why a specific medication was prescribed, and will always educate the patient about any potential side effects that they may experience.

Before starting a new treatment plan that utilizes prescribed medications, You First Telehealth will complete a comprehensive evaluation. This analysis will help to determine the individual’s needs and discover their lifestyle habits, which will influence the decision on which type of medication is recommended.

Monitoring the Results

Patients should stay in contact to communicate about how their medications are working for them and/or any side effects they may be experiencing.

Tips for Home

A majority of prescription medications will need to be taken daily to provide optimal results. For this reason, patients must be diligent about taking their medications while at home. It is not uncommon for individuals to take multiple medications at one time to address their symptoms. To improve adherence to medications, you might try some of these tips:

  • Make a list: Write down every single one of our medications and when they need to be taken throughout the day as well as the week. This will prevent you from accidentally skipping a dose or administering medication at the wrong time.
  • Set an alarm: For those that take medications at various times throughout the day, it can be easy for time to pass too quickly and wind up missing a dose. Utilize a simple reminder or alarm on your phone to help get you into the habit of taking your medications at exactly the right time.
  • Use a pillbox: These boxes were specifically designed to help people manage their medications. Offering separate sections based on each weekday, a pillbox only requires you to separate your medications at the beginning of the week to set you up for success over the next several days.
  • Make a sign: Put a post-it note on your bathroom mirror, or do whatever works best for you to remind yourself to take your medications while in certain rooms of your home.

Keep an Open Line of Communication

Side effects from medications do not always occur right away, and sometimes a change in dosage may be necessary given unique circumstances in your life. Be sure to contact You First Telehealth at (469) 389-0960 if you experience abnormal symptoms or are worried about your current medications.

Schedule an Appointment for Testing & Treatment in Texas and Washington State

No two patients are alike, which is why Melaine takes an individualized approach to each patient she treats. If you have been struggling to focus in school, at work, and at home please call (469) 389-0960.