Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health condition affecting both children and adults. It is the most commonly diagnosed mental disorder in children. While adults may have it as well, it often goes undiagnosed. Similar to what the name suggests, ADHD causes symptoms of inattention (inability to focus), hyperactivity (excessive movement or inability to sit still), and impulsivity (actions that occur without thought).

Common Symptoms of ADHD

Symptoms of ADHD may present themselves differently in children and adults. Adults may have subconsciously found ways to deal with or hide their disorder to fit into social and professional settings, while children do not yet possess those skills.

While most school-aged children have high activity levels and difficulty sitting still for prolonged periods, children with ADHD will have symptoms that are noticeably greater than their peers.

Symptoms of ADHD may be broken into two categories: Inattentive type, Hyperactive/Impulsive type.


ADHD can cause people to have difficulty paying attention. People who are inattentive tend to be disorganized and may give up on tasks easily. Many people with ADHD have a hard time recognizing this as a symptom of ADHD since it is simply normal for them. If you are often finding yourself having difficulty concentrating you may want to consider scheduling a consultation with Melaine.


Hyperactivity causes people to feel the need to move or fidget, even in situations where it may not be appropriate. If you notice that you are frequently tapping your foot or your fingers, rapidly moving your legs when sitting, or simply talking an above-average amount, ADHD may be causing this behavior.

Causes of ADHD

Over the years, there has been a lot of misinformation about the causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. Researchers used to believe that ADHD could be the result of brain damage, head injuries, or even the ingestion of too much-refined sugar. All of these theories have been disproved.

Simply put, ADHD is caused by chemical and structural dysfunctions in the brain that are the result of genetics. You First Telehealth in the brain and neurotransmitters that regulate dopamine and norepinephrine are different in those with ADHD than in those without.

Treating ADHD

There are several options for treating ADHD. With appropriate care, you can manage symptoms and can begin to better focus in school, at work, and at home. Common treatment options include:

  • Therapy to help you learn to manage your symptoms of ADHD
  • Medication to decrease severe symptoms associated with ADHD

Schedule an Appointment for Testing & Treatment in Texas and Washington State

No two patients are alike, which is why Melaine takes an individualized approach to each patient she treats. If you have been struggling to focus in school, at work, and at home please call (469) 389-0960.